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    Should I use an air-cooled or water-cooled torch?


    Hi mkseogirl
    we really need some more information to answer it definitively
    but my broad response would be 

    it really depends on the duty cycle (arc on time) and amps used during the welding of the work

    as a general rule you should use a water cooled gun in the following circumstances

    GTAW greater than 200 amps
    GMAW/FCAW greater than 300 amps

    The water cooled guns used to be very cumbersome, now days they are much better designed and are much more compact therefore making them easier to use

    a few advantages of water cooled torches are that the operator can hang onto them longer, they are kinder on consumables  as they do not over heat the collet etc in GTAW

    Ring your local supplier and get them to show you some of the latest torches on offer


    As Flash has said, very broad question.

    in short, if you did not need to you would not. 

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