4 Reasons to Consider a Career in Welding

Finding the perfect career is a daunting task. You have to weigh your skills and passions, the hours you’d like to work, and job market. Most of the successful people I know started out in a welding trade. There is a misconception that a trade is a destiny not a journey. A trade is a perfect platform that provides you with practical, problem solving and a raft of other life skills that are easily transferable. If you love working with your hands, a career in welding may be for you. There is a large demand for welders in Australia. Welding is a specialised skill, so if you have the passion and can put in the work, you will be in high demand.


So where can a welding trade take you?

  • Drafting
  • Engineering
  • Welding Supervisor
  • Welding Inspector
  • Fabrication company owner
  • Sales Role
  • Technical roles within a supply company

The list is endless.


1. Welding is an In-Demand Career

Not just anyone can decide to pick up the right tools and become a welder. To become a welder, you need to complete a Certificate 3 in Engineering – Fabrication. With post trade courses such as a welding certification.To take you to the next level. When going for a welding trade, you will learn important job-related aspects of the whole industry, including metal fabrication, forging, founding and sheet metal work. Since welding is such a hands on career, you shouldn’t expect to just sit in a classroom and learn all these important skills. Instead, you will likely work as an apprentice to learn these skills from masters of the field.


Because a trade is so intense, the field is always in need of fresh blood. The demand is high and the wages are great. If you are considering going to university to study Engineering, a better option to consider is a trade. According to one study, about 80% of welding students receive a job offer before they even graduate. Once you have landed a job, you don’t have to worry about being pushed out. As long as you continue to showcase your skills, you should have tight job security.


2. Get Paid What You’re Worth

Finding a career that you are passionate about is important, but passion alone doesn’t pay the bills. It is essential that you find a career that you love and that you can afford to work in. If welding is your passion, your paycheck should never be a problem. Because welding is an in-demand career, welders are typically paid a high rate. In Australia, the starting salary for welders is about $25 an hour. Like all careers, this rate goes up as you gain more skills. It’s estimated the average salary for welders is around $65,000, with FIFO workers earning up wards of $150,000 per year.


3. Express Your Creativity

Welding is often described as more of an art than a craft. This interesting career is constantly changing as new ways to weld are discovered. Once you perfect your welding skills, you can put them to use in a variety of ways. Many welders work in factories or for repair companies working on specific, constant welds (example: manufacturing or construction.) If you want to lead a more exciting career, you don’t have to settle for a standard 9 to 5. There are so many different directions you can take your skills. Welders can work on race cars, art installations, and unique architectural designs.


4. Never Stop Learning

One of the biggest complaints workers have, is that they are bored at work. This can happen when your mind is not being challenged. This is almost never a problem for welders. On the job, welders must be on top form 100% of the time, with many welds being Xrayed. Due to the dangerous nature of the career, safety is a top priority. Welders need to be constantly aware of the conditions they are working in to prevent an accident. If you are bored, you are probably being unsafe.


With the hard work aside, welding is an exciting job because there is always room to grow. There are over 30 different types of welds that each use a unique process. Most welders only use 3 to 5 types, but if you want to grow your skills, you can master these exotic materials.


Technoweld can help you reach your training goals. Technoweld Training are the approved TWI Training agent in Australia. We offer welding training in a variety of fields, including but not limited to: AS1796 Cert 10 Welding Supervisor, AS3992:2015 Pressure Equipment, and AS1554 Structural Steel Welding. We also offer basic, intermediate and advanced GMAW, GTAW, FCAW and MMAW training, along with welding inspection So whether you are just starting in the field, or are a seasoned welder, our qualified and experienced trainers can help you build your skills to the level you want.


If you love working with your hands, a welding career may be for you. Once you have gained the proper certification, you can start working in this high-paying field right away. Since the career is in such demand, you will likely be able to find a secure job no matter where you live across Australia.



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