Butt welds already qualify all fillets except 3F and 3G up and down as the parameters are different now with the size of the fillets will refer to what the engineer has stipulated on the drawing. now the welder must qualify to those size given in the engineer drawings but remeber a single pass the size is given from the size qualified and everything below and the multi-run the size of the weld and above the welder can not go past these parameters or another wps has to written in regards to this. refer to AS/NZS1554.1:2011 4.1.3
be careful with the testing is this for a PQR or WPS different mechanical testing is required
Here is some advice make sure it is set to DCve- as a lot of people first time out forget (dont know) which side the Hand torch goes into, I try not to laugh when I consult with clients who are new to GTAW
In regards to the Mine jobs if you wish to get on. Most mine sites require a formal certification of a trade background i.e Cert III in Engineering, thats if you want to go up there as a welder. If you do have the skills and can provide evidence of these skills PM and we can discuss getting your Cert III.