by Graham Fry | Jul 1, 2016 | Certifications, ISO3834, Welding Certification
Simplifying the Certification for AS/NZS/ISO 3834 Who needs it? AS/NZS ISO 3834 is the Quality Requirements for Fusion Welding of Metallic Materials and is designed to provide guidance and compliance requirements for industries that engage in welding activities. Can...
by Graham Fry | Mar 1, 2014 | Welding Certification, Welding Supervisors
Unprecedented offer to get AWI welding supervision qualifications The AWI is providing an unprecedented offer to the industry and its members. For those that have an existing welding supervision qualification through TAFE, another RTO’s or the WTIA we are...
by Graham Fry | Mar 1, 2014 | Welding Certification, Welding Supervisors
Progress of the AWI™ AWI™ Certification is now available for Welding Supervisors A key responsibility of the AWI™ is to provide a credible, transparent and user friendly welding qualification system for its members. For some time now, the AWI™ has seen some great...
by Graham Fry | Jan 1, 2014 | Welding Certification, Welding Supervisors
AWITM Certification is now available for Welding Supervisors Streamlined, relevant and practical certification. The Australian Welding Institute AWITM has been successful in introducing and running a program for AS 1796 Certifications 1 to 9. The AWITM is now...
by Graham Fry | Jan 1, 2014 | Welding Certification
The AWI and TWI are joining forces Courses to be run near you Appreciation of Engineering Quality Documentation Review Course Course Code: WIS 21 The AWI and TWI are joining forces to bring relevant course material to the industry. A course designed to assist...