Thoughts and Opinions on MDR Management software

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  • #1820

    I have created a web based MDR Management software called MDRDocs.

    I would really like other QA/QC and Welding Supervisors opinions, thoughts or recommendations.

    I made it to cut down on a lot of paperwork that is required to be maintained.

    The main IDEA behind it is, you should only have to fill out a form once and then the corrosponding registers, etc. get filled out automatically.

    It currently does the following:

    •  When a welder has passed a welding test a welder qualification certificate is automatically generated and the welder qualifcation register is updated.
    •  As the welder completes more testing such either destructive or non destructive testing thier qualifications and registers are automatically updated.
    •  If a welder qualification is about to expire ( after 6 months of no testing ) the welders supervisor will get an email 30, 14 and 7 days prior to the welder qualification expiry to allow for more testing to be arranged to keep the qualification valid.
    •  All welder qualification certificates and registers can be exported in PDF format.

    Features I am currently working on:

    •  Project specific reporting.
    •  NDT Requests and updating of welder qualifications on completion of NDT.
    •  Welding Consumables Register and signout sheet.
    •  Material Certs Register.

    I have setup welder qualifications for the following standards:

    •  AS/NZS 1554.1
    •  AS/NZS 1554.6
    •  AS/NZS 3992
    •  AWS D1.1

    I would really like your thoughts and feedback either on this forum or

    Our web page is here!/mdr_docs

    You can test it out here

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