Quailfiying welders 1554.1

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    Hi All

    What are the requirement for NDE, to qualifying a welder on a Butt weld, MMAW, FCAW 3G VU and VD
    Do you only need to do a Radiographic test or do you require destructive testing?? 



    my take would be,
    if you are qualifying them to a procedure under 1554.1
    -you can under get them to weld a coupon, and simply perform a macro on it.
    this little ‘hole/gray area’ may be removed when this standard is reviewed next time(but not, i believe for this years review)

    actually, let me put it this way, i have qualified welders to a procedure, this way, and i know of another inspector who uses this method.

    Dek Dee

    The “little hole / gray area” is not so little – it is a big black hole.

    Do not – I repeat do not attempt to qualify your welders with a macro per AS/NZS 1554 unless you are welding shopping trolleys – it is a complete waste of time.
    Go straight to AS 2980 – radiograph your plate and you have a much greater range of applicability.
    Example (one of many) – macro (or radiograph) to AS/NZS 1554 qualifies your welder for butt welds only.
    Radiograph to AS 2980 qualifies your welder for butts and fillets.
    Good luck,


    i would question why you state ‘it is a complete waste of time’?
    it is a low cost viable option, and is acceptable to the standard.
    as i stated, it is a little grey.
    i personally think the positional ranges a 2980 gives, is way to generous, a mig monkey passes an overhead, and gets the ‘keys to the city’. there are plenty of positional welders that coulnt weld up a supermarket trolley, out of position!!
    (and i did put a submission in, for the current review of as/nzs 1554.1)

    Dek Dee

    So you think welding a 300 mm coupon and performing a macro ( so you are actually looking at 1/300 of the coupon) is an accurate guide of a welders ability ?
    Could be 250 mm of LOF in the coupon but you cut the macro in the right place and voila ! – you are qualified ??
    NZS 4711 is accepted as an alternative code for welding to AS/NZS 1554.1.
    That requires radiography, bend tests and nick breaks to pass.
    Let’s see – a macro for one welder versus RT, bends and nick breaks for another welder – not really a level playing field is it.

    My comment about it being a waste of time stands – when I qualify welders I want to know what 100% of their weld is like – not 1/300


    Draft 2013 1554 clause

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