New to Inspection and require tips regarding codes

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    Hi guys.

    Im new to inspection (Just got my Cswip 3.1) and am enjoying very much so far. Im working in West Australia in a fab shop and am using/learning a mixture of codes both Australian Standards and International Standards.

    A few things I am confused with are codes & I wonder if anyone can make it a little bit more clearer for me 🙂

    1. Welder Qualification.

    Basicaly I have been involved with qualifying welders to a procedures. When we sent the coupon to Destructive testing we are asking the weld to be tested to the criterias of ASME IX, AS 3992 & AS 2980. How does this work? Do they follow the higher of the 3 codes regarding mazimum defect allowances? Does ASME IX cover the others?

    2. Weld Procedures.

    Im confused with what covers what. For instance If im doing an NDT request, does a butt weld cover me for a fillet weld? Does a procedure 3G cover me for 1G on a request as the weld perameters are obviously different for positions welded.

    So far Ive been involved with the above mentioned 3 specs and also AS1554.1 & .5



    Sounds like you need the help of a welding supervisor.  CSWIP 3.1 is an inspection qualifcation not welding supervision.

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