The AWI strategy is to offer flexible, logical and progressive certification schemes driven by members and industry. As such, we have developed a welding supervision certification scheme for experienced welding personnel. This personnel certification scheme aims to develop and verify the skills and knowledge required for high-quality welding supervision.
The Australian Welding Institute is raising the standard for these important industry qualifications whilst providing a quality alternative. To that extent, the AWI is committed to providing its members with competitive and a cost-effective certification scheme. This scheme meets the needs of all stakeholders in the Australian welding and fabrication industry. Working with Registered Training Organisations (RTO’s), we have implemented a nationally recognised scheme catering to:
- AS 1796 Welding supervision
- AS2214 Certification of welding supervisors
The supervision of welding is a key feature of the welding manufacture and fabrication process. As such, it is important that welding supervisors are qualified to the level of competence necessary to accurately undertake their role.
Certification provides guaranteed competence of welding supervisors. This provides customers with confidence that welding tasks are supervised by personnel with appropriate knowledge, skills, experience and high integrity.
Entry Requirements
This internationally recognised certification scheme is designed for experienced personnel who are either:
- Currently working in the manufacture or repair of high quality welded applications or,
- Seeking employment in the manufacture or repair of high quality welded applications.
Welding Supervisor certification is suitable for those with relevant experience, knowledge and skills in welding supervision.