The Weldnet

The WeldNet are excited to announce the launch of their new website:

What is

It is an online shop where manufacturers and contractors can buy single-page, shop-floor ready, welding procedure specification(s) (WPS). This site offers a range of WPS in accordance with commonly used welding standards, such as ASME, AWS, ISO, and AS/NZS.

The available WPS are either qualified WPS with full test records, ‘prequalified’ WPS prepared in accordance with applicable prequalification rules, or are additional guidance documents to be used alongside ‘standard’ welding procedure specifications (SWPS).

Why use

The use of WPS can significantly reduce the lead time and cost required to commence and complete welding on a project by avoiding the need to develop a WPS proposal, weld and test a coupon for the PQR, and develop the final WPS in accordance with code requirements and essential variables.

In recent years significant improvements have been achieved in the implementation and certification of welding quality management and quality assurance and control (QA/QC) systems which in turn has reduced the need for constant qualification and requalification of welding procedures for joining common joint types and materials.

All commonly used welding codes include the option to use ‘prequalified’ WPS, ‘standard’ WPS, and/or WPS qualified by others.

Please visit

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